Scope Virtual Office

We provide branch office solutions for enterprises with long-term plans for business development in a strategic location, Kuningan, South Jakarta.

About Scope

Scope is a provider of Private Virtual Office services that offers various business support services, from setting up PT/CV to handling SKT (Tax Service Office) matters with the KPP (Tax Service Office).

What We Offer:

  • Pendirian PT
  • Pendirian CV
  • Pendirian PT Perorangan
  • Penyewaan kantor virtual office (per month)
  • Pengurusan NIB + sertifikat standar
  • Pengurusan NPWP dan SKT ke KPP

Our Facilities:

  • Private Meeting Room
  • Receptionist
  • Call Answering
  • Surat menyurat
  • Loker untuk paket 
  • Coffee Maker
  • Building Parking
Reservation Form
Contact Form Scope
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